Chalk class

Chalk - A Library for printing styled text to the console using ANSI control sequences. Documentation of the ANSI code system: . References with detailed explainations of the various color models included here: and The complete history of the X11 color names (later used in css/svg also) .

Available extensions


Factory function typically used for creating new 'root' instances of Chalk (root instances start with no style)


aliceBlue Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color aliceBlue         (0xF0F8FF)/rgb(240, 248, 255)
no setter
antiqueWhite Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color antiqueWhite         (0xFAEBD7)/rgb(250, 235, 215)
no setter
aqua Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color aqua         (0x00FFFF)/rgb(0, 255, 255)
no setter
aquamarine Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color aquamarine         (0x7FFFD4)/rgb(127, 255, 212)
no setter
azure Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color azure         (0xF0FFFF)/rgb(240, 255, 255)
no setter
beige Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color beige         (0xF5F5DC)/rgb(245, 245, 220)
no setter
bgBlack Chalk
Legacy api, provided only for backwards compatibility, use onBlack. Set background base 16 xterm colors black (terminal dependent) linen
no setter
bgBlackBright Chalk
Legacy api, provided only for backwards compatibility, use onBrightBlack. Set background base 16 xterm colors bright black (terminal dependent) linen
no setter
bgBlue Chalk
Legacy api, provided only for backwards compatibility, use onBlue. Set background base 16 xterm colors blue (terminal dependent) linen
no setter
bgBlueBright Chalk
Legacy api, provided only for backwards compatibility, use onBrightBlue. Set background base 16 xterm colors bright blue (terminal dependent) linen
no setter
bgBrightBlack Chalk
Legacy api, provided only for backwards compatibility, use onBrightBlack. Set background base 16 xterm colors bright black (terminal dependent) linen
no setter
bgBrightBlue Chalk
Legacy api, provided only for backwards compatibility, use onBrightBlue. Set background base 16 xterm colors bright blue (terminal dependent) linen
no setter
bgBrightCyan Chalk
Legacy api, provided only for backwards compatibility, use onBrightCyan. Set background base 16 xterm colors bright cyan (terminal dependent) linen
no setter
bgBrightGreen Chalk
Legacy api, provided only for backwards compatibility, use onBrightGreen. Set background base 16 xterm colors bright green (terminal dependent) linen
no setter
bgBrightMagenta Chalk
Legacy api, provided only for backwards compatibility, use onBrightMagenta. Set background base 16 xterm colors bright magenta (terminal dependent) linen
no setter
bgBrightRed Chalk
Legacy api, provided only for backwards compatibility, use onBrightRed. Set background base 16 xterm colors bright red (terminal dependent) linen
no setter
bgBrightWhite Chalk
Legacy api, provided only for backwards compatibility, use onBrightWhite. Set background base 16 xterm colors bright white (terminal dependent) linen
no setter
bgBrightYellow Chalk
Legacy api, provided only for backwards compatibility, use onBrightYellow. Set background base 16 xterm colors bright yellow (terminal dependent) linen
no setter
bgCyan Chalk
Legacy api, provided only for backwards compatibility, use onCyan. Set background base 16 xterm colors cyan (terminal dependent) linen
no setter
bgCyanBright Chalk
Legacy api, provided only for backwards compatibility, use onBrightCyan. Set background base 16 xterm colors bright cyan (terminal dependent) linen
no setter
bgGray Chalk
Legacy api, provided only for backwards compatibility, use onGray. Set background base 16 xterm colors gray (alternate name for bright black) (terminal dependent) linen
no setter
bgGreen Chalk
Legacy api, provided only for backwards compatibility, use onGreen. Set background base 16 xterm colors green (terminal dependent) linen
no setter
bgGreenBright Chalk
Legacy api, provided only for backwards compatibility, use onBrightGreen. Set background base 16 xterm colors bright green (terminal dependent) linen
no setter
bgGrey Chalk
Legacy api, provided only for backwards compatibility, use onGrey. Set background base 16 xterm colors grey (alternate name for bright black) (terminal dependent) linen
no setter
bgMagenta Chalk
Legacy api, provided only for backwards compatibility, use onMagenta. Set background base 16 xterm colors magenta (terminal dependent) linen
no setter
bgMagentaBright Chalk
Legacy api, provided only for backwards compatibility, use onBrightMagenta. Set background base 16 xterm colors bright magenta (terminal dependent) linen
no setter
bgRed Chalk
Legacy api, provided only for backwards compatibility, use onRed. Set background base 16 xterm colors red (terminal dependent) linen
no setter
bgRedBright Chalk
Legacy api, provided only for backwards compatibility, use onBrightRed. Set background base 16 xterm colors bright red (terminal dependent) linen
no setter
bgWhite Chalk
Legacy api, provided only for backwards compatibility, use onWhite. Set background base 16 xterm colors white (terminal dependent) linen
no setter
bgWhiteBright Chalk
Legacy api, provided only for backwards compatibility, use onBrightWhite. Set background base 16 xterm colors bright white (terminal dependent) linen
no setter
bgYellow Chalk
Legacy api, provided only for backwards compatibility, use onYellow. Set background base 16 xterm colors yellow (terminal dependent) linen
no setter
bgYellowBright Chalk
Legacy api, provided only for backwards compatibility, use onBrightYellow. Set background base 16 xterm colors bright yellow (terminal dependent) linen
no setter
bisque Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color bisque         (0xFFE4C4)/rgb(255, 228, 196)
no setter
black Chalk
Set foreground base 16 xterm colors black (terminal dependent) linen
no setter
blackBright Chalk
Set foreground base 16 xterm colors bright black (terminal dependent) linen
no setter
blackletter Chalk
blackletter - alternate name for font10, ANSI/ECMA-48 spec refers to font10 specifically as a blackletter or Fraktur (Gothic) font. (Not as widely supported, supported in VSCode through my PR)
no setter
blackX11 Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color blackX11         (0x000000)/rgb(0, 0, 0)
no setter
blanchedAlmond Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color blanchedAlmond         (0xFFEBCD)/rgb(255, 235, 205)
no setter
blink - Make text blink. (Not as widely supported, supported in VSCode through my PR)
no setter
blue Chalk
Set foreground base 16 xterm colors blue (terminal dependent) linen
no setter
blueBright Chalk
Set foreground base 16 xterm colors bright blue set foreground color to bright blue linen
no setter
blueViolet Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color blueViolet         (0x8A2BE2)/rgb(138, 43, 226)
no setter
blueX11 Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color blueX11         (0x0000FF)/rgb(0, 0, 255)
no setter
bold Chalk
bold - Make text bold.
no setter
brightBlack Chalk
8 more 'bright' versions of the lower 8 colors Set foreground base 16 xterm colors bright black (terminal dependent) linen
no setter
brightBlue Chalk
Set foreground base 16 xterm colors bright blue (terminal dependent) linen
no setter
brightCyan Chalk
Set foreground base 16 xterm colors bright cyan (terminal dependent) linen
no setter
brightGreen Chalk
Set foreground base 16 xterm colors bright green (terminal dependent) linen
no setter
brightMagenta Chalk
Set foreground base 16 xterm colors bright magenta (terminal dependent) linen
no setter
brightRed Chalk
Set foreground base 16 xterm colors bright red (terminal dependent) linen
no setter
brightWhite Chalk
Set foreground base 16 xterm colors bright white (terminal dependent) linen
no setter
brightYellow Chalk
Set foreground base 16 xterm colors bright yellow (terminal dependent) linen
no setter
brown Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color brown         (0xA52A2A)/rgb(165, 42, 42)
no setter
burlywood Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color burlywood         (0xDEB887)/rgb(222, 184, 135)
no setter
cadetBlue Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color cadetBlue         (0x5F9EA0)/rgb(95, 158, 160)
no setter
chartreuse Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color chartreuse         (0x7FFF00)/rgb(127, 255, 0)
no setter
chocolate Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color chocolate         (0xD2691E)/rgb(210, 105, 30)
no setter
color → dynamic
Follow this method with any standard CSS/SVG/X11 color name (remove spaces from name) The case/capitalization of the color name is not important. color returns chalk as 'dynamic' so that CSS/SVG/X11 color names can 'dynamically' be accessed as virtual methods. ie. chalk.color.cornflowerblue('works like this') (this is the equivalent of chalk.keyword('cornflowerblue')('same things using keyword()')
no setter
coral Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color coral         (0xFF7F50)/rgb(255, 127, 80)
no setter
cornflowerBlue Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color cornflowerBlue         (0x6495ED)/rgb(100, 149, 237)
no setter
cornsilk Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color cornsilk         (0xFFF8DC)/rgb(255, 248, 220)
no setter
crimson Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color crimson         (0xDC143C)/rgb(220, 20, 60)
no setter
csscolor → dynamic
Follow this method with any standard CSS/SVG/X11 color name (remove spaces from name) The case/capitalization of the color name is not important. alias for color - alternate method name to use for to get dynamic for virtual color methods ie. chalk.csscolor.cornflowerblue('works like this') (this is the equivalent of chalk.keyword('cornflowerblue')('same things using keyword()')
no setter
cyan Chalk
Set foreground base 16 xterm colors cyan (terminal dependent) linen
no setter
cyanBright Chalk
Set foreground base 16 xterm colors bright cyan (terminal dependent) linen
no setter
cyanX11 Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color cyanX11         (0x00FFFF)/rgb(0, 255, 255)
no setter
darkBlue Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color darkBlue         (0x00008B)/rgb(0, 0, 139)
no setter
darkCyan Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color darkCyan         (0x008B8B)/rgb(0, 139, 139)
no setter
darkGoldenrod Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color darkGoldenrod         (0xB8860B)/rgb(184, 134, 11)
no setter
darkGray Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color darkGray         (0xA9A9A9)/rgb(169, 169, 169)
no setter
darkGreen Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color darkGreen         (0x006400)/rgb(0, 100, 0)
no setter
darkGrey Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color darkGrey         (0xA9A9A9)/rgb(169, 169, 169)
no setter
darkKhaki Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color darkKhaki         (0xBDB76B)/rgb(189, 183, 107)
no setter
darkMagenta Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color darkMagenta         (0x8B008B)/rgb(139, 0, 139)
no setter
darkOliveGreen Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color darkOliveGreen         (0x556B2F)/rgb(85, 107, 47)
no setter
darkOrange Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color darkOrange         (0xFF8C00)/rgb(255, 140, 0)
no setter
darkOrchid Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color darkOrchid         (0x9932CC)/rgb(153, 50, 204)
no setter
darkRed Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color darkRed         (0x8B0000)/rgb(139, 0, 0)
no setter
darkSalmon Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color darkSalmon         (0xE9967A)/rgb(233, 150, 122)
no setter
darkSeaGreen Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color darkSeaGreen         (0x8FBC8F)/rgb(143, 188, 143)
no setter
darkSlateBlue Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color darkSlateBlue         (0x483D8B)/rgb(72, 61, 139)
no setter
darkSlateGray Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color darkSlateGray         (0x2F4F4F)/rgb(47, 79, 79)
no setter
darkSlateGrey Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color darkSlateGrey         (0x2F4F4F)/rgb(47, 79, 79)
no setter
darkTurquoise Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color darkTurquoise         (0x00CED1)/rgb(0, 206, 209)
no setter
darkViolet Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color darkViolet         (0x9400D3)/rgb(148, 0, 211)
no setter
deepPink Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color deepPink         (0xFF1493)/rgb(255, 20, 147)
no setter
deepSkyBlue Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color deepSkyBlue         (0x00BFFF)/rgb(0, 191, 255)
no setter
dim Chalk
dim - Emitting only a small amount of light.
no setter
dimGray Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color dimGray         (0x696969)/rgb(105, 105, 105)
no setter
dimGrey Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color dimGrey         (0x696969)/rgb(105, 105, 105)
no setter
dodgerBlue Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color dodgerBlue         (0x1E90FF)/rgb(30, 144, 255)
no setter
doubleUnderline Chalk
doubleUnderline (alternate name for doubleunderline) - alternate for doubleunderline
no setter
doubleunderline Chalk
doubleunderline - Make text double underlined. (Not as widely supported, supported in VSCode through my PR)
no setter
doubleunderlined Chalk
doubleunderlined (alternate name for doubleunderline) - Make text double underlined. (Not as widely supported, supported in VSCode through my PR)
no setter
fireBrick Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color fireBrick         (0xB22222)/rgb(178, 34, 34)
no setter
floralWhite Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color floralWhite         (0xFFFAF0)/rgb(255, 250, 240)
no setter
font1 Chalk
Alternative font 1. (Not as widely supported, supported in VSCode through my PR)
no setter
font10 Chalk
Alternative font 10. (Not as widely supported, supported in VSCode through my PR)
no setter
font2 Chalk
Alternative font 2. (Not as widely supported, supported in VSCode through my PR)
no setter
font3 Chalk
Alternative font 3. (Not as widely supported, supported in VSCode through my PR)
no setter
font4 Chalk
Alternative font 4. (Not as widely supported, supported in VSCode through my PR)
no setter
font5 Chalk
Alternative font 5. (Not as widely supported, supported in VSCode through my PR)
no setter
font6 Chalk
Alternative font 6. (Not as widely supported, supported in VSCode through my PR)
no setter
font7 Chalk
Alternative font 7. (Not as widely supported, supported in VSCode through my PR)
no setter
font8 Chalk
Alternative font 8. (Not as widely supported, supported in VSCode through my PR)
no setter
font9 Chalk
Alternative font 9. (Not as widely supported, supported in VSCode through my PR)
no setter
forestGreen Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color forestGreen         (0x228B22)/rgb(34, 139, 34)
no setter
fuchsia Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color fuchsia         (0xFF00FF)/rgb(255, 0, 255)
no setter
gainsboro Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color gainsboro         (0xDCDCDC)/rgb(220, 220, 220)
no setter
ghostWhite Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color ghostWhite         (0xF8F8FF)/rgb(248, 248, 255)
no setter
gold Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color gold         (0xFFD700)/rgb(255, 215, 0)
no setter
goldenrod Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color goldenrod         (0xDAA520)/rgb(218, 165, 32)
no setter
gray Chalk
Set foreground base 16 xterm colors gray (alternate name for bright black) (terminal dependent) linen
no setter
grayX11 Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color grayX11         (0x808080)/rgb(128, 128, 128)
no setter
green Chalk
Set foreground base 16 xterm colors green (terminal dependent) linen
no setter
greenBright Chalk
Set foreground base 16 xterm colors bright green (terminal dependent) linen
no setter
greenX11 Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color greenX11         (0x008000)/rgb(0, 128, 0)
no setter
greenYellow Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color greenYellow         (0xADFF2F)/rgb(173, 255, 47)
no setter
grey Chalk
Set foreground base 16 xterm colors grey (alternate name for bright black) (terminal dependent) linen
no setter
greyX11 Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color greyX11         (0x808080)/rgb(128, 128, 128)
no setter
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
hidden Chalk
hidden - Prints the text, but makes it invisible. (still copy and pasteable)
no setter
honeydew Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color honeydew         (0xF0FFF0)/rgb(240, 255, 240)
no setter
hotPink Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color hotPink         (0xFF69B4)/rgb(255, 105, 180)
no setter
indianRed Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color indianRed         (0xCD5C5C)/rgb(205, 92, 92)
no setter
indigo Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color indigo         (0x4B0082)/rgb(75, 0, 130)
no setter
inverse Chalk
inverse- Inverse background and foreground colors.
no setter
invert Chalk
invert- alternate for inverse() - Inverse background and foreground colors.
no setter
italic Chalk
italic - Make text italic. (VSCode debug console supports,some other terminals)
no setter
ivory Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color ivory         (0xFFFFF0)/rgb(255, 255, 240)
no setter
khaki Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color khaki         (0xF0E68C)/rgb(240, 230, 140)
no setter
lavender Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color lavender         (0xE6E6FA)/rgb(230, 230, 250)
no setter
lavenderBlush Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color lavenderBlush         (0xFFF0F5)/rgb(255, 240, 245)
no setter
lawnGreen Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color lawnGreen         (0x7CFC00)/rgb(124, 252, 0)
no setter
lemonChiffon Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color lemonChiffon         (0xFFFACD)/rgb(255, 250, 205)
no setter
level int
ANSI Color level support for this chalk instance - this will effect what colors this chalk instance can use.
getter/setter pair
lightBlue Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color lightBlue         (0xADD8E6)/rgb(173, 216, 230)
no setter
lightCoral Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color lightCoral         (0xF08080)/rgb(240, 128, 128)
no setter
lightCyan Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color lightCyan         (0xE0FFFF)/rgb(224, 255, 255)
no setter
lightGoldenrod Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set foreground color to X11 color lightGoldenrod         (0xFAFAD2)/rgb(250, 250, 210)
no setter
lightGoldenrodYellow Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set foreground color to CSS color lightGoldenrodYellow         (0xFAFAD2)/rgb(250, 250, 210)
no setter
lightGray Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color lightGray         (0xD3D3D3)/rgb(211, 211, 211)
no setter
lightGreen Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color lightGreen         (0x90EE90)/rgb(144, 238, 144)
no setter
lightGrey Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color lightGrey         (0xD3D3D3)/rgb(211, 211, 211)
no setter
lightPink Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color lightPink         (0xFFB6C1)/rgb(255, 182, 193)
no setter
lightSalmon Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color lightSalmon         (0xFFA07A)/rgb(255, 160, 122)
no setter
lightSeaGreen Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color lightSeaGreen         (0x20B2AA)/rgb(32, 178, 170)
no setter
lightSkyBlue Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color lightSkyBlue         (0x87CEFA)/rgb(135, 206, 250)
no setter
lightSlateGray Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color lightSlateGray         (0x778899)/rgb(119, 136, 153)
no setter
lightSlateGrey Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color lightSlateGrey         (0x778899)/rgb(119, 136, 153)
no setter
lightSteelBlue Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color lightSteelBlue         (0xB0C4DE)/rgb(176, 196, 222)
no setter
lightYellow Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color lightYellow         (0xFFFFE0)/rgb(255, 255, 224)
no setter
lime Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color lime         (0x00FF00)/rgb(0, 255, 0)
no setter
limeGreen Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color limeGreen         (0x32CD32)/rgb(50, 205, 50)
no setter
linen Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color linen         (0xFAF0E6)/rgb(250, 240, 230)
no setter
magenta Chalk
Set foreground base 16 xterm colors magenta (terminal dependent) linen
no setter
magentaBright Chalk
Set foreground base 16 xterm colors bright magenta (terminal dependent) linen
no setter
magentaX11 Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color magentaX11         (0xFF00FF)/rgb(255, 0, 255)
no setter
maroon Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color maroon         (0x800000)/rgb(128, 0, 0)
no setter
mediumAquamarine Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color mediumAquamarine         (0x66CDAA)/rgb(102, 205, 170)
no setter
mediumBlue Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color mediumBlue         (0x0000CD)/rgb(0, 0, 205)
no setter
mediumOrchid Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color mediumOrchid         (0xBA55D3)/rgb(186, 85, 211)
no setter
mediumPurple Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color mediumPurple         (0x9370DB)/rgb(147, 112, 219)
no setter
mediumSeaGreen Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color mediumSeaGreen         (0x3CB371)/rgb(60, 179, 113)
no setter
mediumSlateBlue Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color mediumSlateBlue         (0x7B68EE)/rgb(123, 104, 238)
no setter
mediumSpringGreen Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color mediumSpringGreen         (0x00FA9A)/rgb(0, 250, 154)
no setter
mediumTurquoise Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color mediumTurquoise         (0x48D1CC)/rgb(72, 209, 204)
no setter
mediumVioletRed Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color mediumVioletRed         (0xC71585)/rgb(199, 21, 133)
no setter
midnightBlue Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color midnightBlue         (0x191970)/rgb(25, 25, 112)
no setter
mintCream Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color mintCream         (0xF5FFFA)/rgb(245, 255, 250)
no setter
mistyRose Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color mistyRose         (0xFFE4E1)/rgb(255, 228, 225)
no setter
moccasin Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color moccasin         (0xFFE4B5)/rgb(255, 228, 181)
no setter

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color navajoWhite         (0xFFDEAD)/rgb(255, 222, 173)
no setter

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color navy         (0x000080)/rgb(0, 0, 128)
no setter
normal Chalk
normal - Text with all attributes off
no setter
oldLace Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color oldLace         (0xFDF5E6)/rgb(253, 245, 230)
no setter
olive Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color olive         (0x808000)/rgb(128, 128, 0)
no setter
oliveDrab Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color oliveDrab         (0x6B8E23)/rgb(107, 142, 35)
no setter
onAliceBlue Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set background color to X11/CSS color aliceBlue         (0xF0F8FF)/rgb(240, 248, 255)
no setter
onAntiqueWhite Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set background color to X11/CSS color antiqueWhite         (0xFAEBD7)/rgb(250, 235, 215)
no setter
onAqua Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set background color to X11/CSS color aqua         (0x00FFFF)/rgb(0, 255, 255)
no setter
onAquamarine Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set background color to X11/CSS color aquamarine         (0x7FFFD4)/rgb(127, 255, 212)
no setter
onAzure Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set background color to X11/CSS color azure         (0xF0FFFF)/rgb(240, 255, 255)
no setter
onBeige Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set background color to X11/CSS color beige         (0xF5F5DC)/rgb(245, 245, 220)
no setter
onBisque Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set background color to X11/CSS color bisque         (0xFFE4C4)/rgb(255, 228, 196)
no setter
onBlack Chalk
chalkdart favors 'onXXXXX' style of specifying background colors because it makes chained methods list read better as a sentence (it's the Dart way). We include original Chalk 'bgXXXX' method names for users that prefer that scheme and for legacy compatibility with original JS Chalk. Set background base 16 xterm colors black (terminal dependent) linen
no setter
onBlackX11 Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set background color to X11/CSS color blackX11         (0x000000)/rgb(0, 0, 0)
no setter
onBlanchedAlmond Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set background color to X11/CSS color blanchedAlmond         (0xFFEBCD)/rgb(255, 235, 205)
no setter
onBlue Chalk
Set background base 16 xterm colors blue (terminal dependent) linen
no setter
onBlueViolet Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set background color to X11/CSS color blueViolet         (0x8A2BE2)/rgb(138, 43, 226)
no setter
onBlueX11 Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set background color to X11/CSS color blueX11         (0x0000FF)/rgb(0, 0, 255)
no setter
onBrightBlack Chalk
Set background base 16 xterm colors bright black (terminal dependent) linen
no setter
onBrightBlue Chalk
Set background base 16 xterm colors bright blue (terminal dependent) linen
no setter
onBrightCyan Chalk
Set background base 16 xterm colors bright cyan (terminal dependent) linen
no setter
onBrightGreen Chalk
Set background base 16 xterm colors bright green (terminal dependent) linen
no setter
onBrightMagenta Chalk
Set background base 16 xterm colors bright magenta (terminal dependent) linen
no setter
onBrightRed Chalk
Set background base 16 xterm colors bright red (terminal dependent) linen
no setter
onBrightWhite Chalk
Set background base 16 xterm colors bright white (terminal dependent) linen
no setter
onBrightYellow Chalk
Set background base 16 xterm colors bright yellow (terminal dependent) linen
no setter
onBrown Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set background color to X11/CSS color brown         (0xA52A2A)/rgb(165, 42, 42)
no setter
onBurlywood Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set background color to X11/CSS color burlywood         (0xDEB887)/rgb(222, 184, 135)
no setter
onCadetBlue Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set background color to X11/CSS color cadetBlue         (0x5F9EA0)/rgb(95, 158, 160)
no setter
onChartreuse Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set background color to X11/CSS color chartreuse         (0x7FFF00)/rgb(127, 255, 0)
no setter
onChocolate Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set background color to X11/CSS color chocolate         (0xD2691E)/rgb(210, 105, 30)
no setter
onCoral Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set background color to X11/CSS color coral         (0xFF7F50)/rgb(255, 127, 80)
no setter
onCornflowerBlue Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set background color to X11/CSS color cornflowerBlue         (0x6495ED)/rgb(100, 149, 237)
no setter
onCornsilk Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set background color to X11/CSS color cornsilk         (0xFFF8DC)/rgb(255, 248, 220)
no setter
onCrimson Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set background color to X11/CSS color crimson         (0xDC143C)/rgb(220, 20, 60)
no setter
onCyan Chalk
Set background base 16 xterm colors cyan (terminal dependent) linen
no setter
onCyanX11 Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set background color to X11/CSS color cyanX11         (0x00FFFF)/rgb(0, 255, 255)
no setter
onDarkBlue Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set background color to X11/CSS color darkBlue         (0x00008B)/rgb(0, 0, 139)
no setter
onDarkCyan Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set background color to X11/CSS color darkCyan         (0x008B8B)/rgb(0, 139, 139)
no setter
onDarkGoldenrod Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set background color to X11/CSS color darkGoldenrod         (0xB8860B)/rgb(184, 134, 11)
no setter
onDarkGray Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set background color to X11/CSS color darkGray         (0xA9A9A9)/rgb(169, 169, 169)
no setter
onDarkGreen Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set background color to X11/CSS color darkGreen         (0x006400)/rgb(0, 100, 0)
no setter
onDarkGrey Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set background color to X11/CSS color darkGrey         (0xA9A9A9)/rgb(169, 169, 169)
no setter
onDarkKhaki Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set background color to X11/CSS color darkKhaki         (0xBDB76B)/rgb(189, 183, 107)
no setter
onDarkMagenta Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set background color to X11/CSS color darkMagenta         (0x8B008B)/rgb(139, 0, 139)
no setter
onDarkOliveGreen Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set background color to X11/CSS color darkOliveGreen         (0x556B2F)/rgb(85, 107, 47)
no setter
onDarkOrange Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set background color to X11/CSS color darkOrange         (0xFF8C00)/rgb(255, 140, 0)
no setter
onDarkOrchid Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set background color to X11/CSS color darkOrchid         (0x9932CC)/rgb(153, 50, 204)
no setter
onDarkRed Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set background color to X11/CSS color darkRed         (0x8B0000)/rgb(139, 0, 0)
no setter
onDarkSalmon Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set background color to X11/CSS color darkSalmon         (0xE9967A)/rgb(233, 150, 122)
no setter
onDarkSeaGreen Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set background color to X11/CSS color darkSeaGreen         (0x8FBC8F)/rgb(143, 188, 143)
no setter
onDarkSlateBlue Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set background color to X11/CSS color darkSlateBlue         (0x483D8B)/rgb(72, 61, 139)
no setter
onDarkSlateGray Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set background color to X11/CSS color darkSlateGray         (0x2F4F4F)/rgb(47, 79, 79)
no setter
onDarkSlateGrey Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set background color to X11/CSS color darkSlateGrey         (0x2F4F4F)/rgb(47, 79, 79)
no setter
onDarkTurquoise Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set background color to X11/CSS color darkTurquoise         (0x00CED1)/rgb(0, 206, 209)
no setter
onDarkViolet Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set background color to X11/CSS color darkViolet         (0x9400D3)/rgb(148, 0, 211)
no setter
onDeepPink Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set background color to X11/CSS color deepPink         (0xFF1493)/rgb(255, 20, 147)
no setter
onDeepSkyBlue Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set background color to X11/CSS color deepSkyBlue         (0x00BFFF)/rgb(0, 191, 255)
no setter
onDimGray Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set background color to X11/CSS color dimGray         (0x696969)/rgb(105, 105, 105)
no setter
onDimGrey Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set background color to X11/CSS color dimGrey         (0x696969)/rgb(105, 105, 105)
no setter
onDodgerBlue Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set background color to X11/CSS color dodgerBlue         (0x1E90FF)/rgb(30, 144, 255)
no setter
onFireBrick Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set background color to X11/CSS color fireBrick         (0xB22222)/rgb(178, 34, 34)
no setter
onFloralWhite Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set background color to X11/CSS color floralWhite         (0xFFFAF0)/rgb(255, 250, 240)
no setter
onForestGreen Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set background color to X11/CSS color forestGreen         (0x228B22)/rgb(34, 139, 34)
no setter
onFuchsia Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set background color to X11/CSS color fuchsia         (0xFF00FF)/rgb(255, 0, 255)
no setter
onGainsboro Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set background color to X11/CSS color gainsboro         (0xDCDCDC)/rgb(220, 220, 220)
no setter
onGhostWhite Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set background color to X11/CSS color ghostWhite         (0xF8F8FF)/rgb(248, 248, 255)
no setter
onGold Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set background color to X11/CSS color gold         (0xFFD700)/rgb(255, 215, 0)
no setter
onGoldenrod Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set background color to X11/CSS color goldenrod         (0xDAA520)/rgb(218, 165, 32)
no setter
onGray Chalk
Set background base 16 xterm colors gray (alternate name for bright black) (terminal dependent) linen
no setter
onGrayX11 Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set background color to X11/CSS color grayX11         (0x808080)/rgb(128, 128, 128)
no setter
onGreen Chalk
Set background base 16 xterm colors green (terminal dependent) linen
no setter
onGreenX11 Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set background color to X11/CSS color greenX11         (0x008000)/rgb(0, 128, 0)
no setter
onGreenYellow Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set background color to X11/CSS color greenYellow         (0xADFF2F)/rgb(173, 255, 47)
no setter
onGrey Chalk
Set background base 16 xterm colors grey (alternate name for bright black) (terminal dependent) linen
no setter
onGreyX11 Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set background color to X11/CSS color greyX11         (0x808080)/rgb(128, 128, 128)
no setter
onHoneydew Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set background color to X11/CSS color honeydew         (0xF0FFF0)/rgb(240, 255, 240)
no setter
onHotPink Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set background color to X11/CSS color hotPink         (0xFF69B4)/rgb(255, 105, 180)
no setter
onIndianRed Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set background color to X11/CSS color indianRed         (0xCD5C5C)/rgb(205, 92, 92)
no setter
onIndigo Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set background color to X11/CSS color indigo         (0x4B0082)/rgb(75, 0, 130)
no setter
onIvory Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set background color to X11/CSS color ivory         (0xFFFFF0)/rgb(255, 255, 240)
no setter
onKhaki Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set background color to X11/CSS color khaki         (0xF0E68C)/rgb(240, 230, 140)
no setter
onLavender Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set background color to X11/CSS color lavender         (0xE6E6FA)/rgb(230, 230, 250)
no setter
onLavenderBlush Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set background color to X11/CSS color lavenderBlush         (0xFFF0F5)/rgb(255, 240, 245)
no setter
onLawnGreen Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set background color to X11/CSS color lawnGreen         (0x7CFC00)/rgb(124, 252, 0)
no setter
onLemonChiffon Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set background color to X11/CSS color lemonChiffon         (0xFFFACD)/rgb(255, 250, 205)
no setter
onLightBlue Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set background color to X11/CSS color lightBlue         (0xADD8E6)/rgb(173, 216, 230)
no setter
onLightCoral Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set background color to X11/CSS color lightCoral         (0xF08080)/rgb(240, 128, 128)
no setter
onLightCyan Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set background color to X11/CSS color lightCyan         (0xE0FFFF)/rgb(224, 255, 255)
no setter
onLightGoldenrod Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set background color to X11 color lightGoldenrod         (0xFAFAD2)/rgb(250, 250, 210)
no setter
onLightGoldenrodYellow Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set background color to CSS color lightGoldenrodYellow         (0xFAFAD2)/rgb(250, 250, 210)
no setter
onLightGray Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set background color to X11/CSS color lightGray         (0xD3D3D3)/rgb(211, 211, 211)
no setter
onLightGreen Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set background color to X11/CSS color lightGreen         (0x90EE90)/rgb(144, 238, 144)
no setter
onLightGrey Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set background color to X11/CSS color lightGrey         (0xD3D3D3)/rgb(211, 211, 211)
no setter
onLightPink Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set background color to X11/CSS color lightPink         (0xFFB6C1)/rgb(255, 182, 193)
no setter
onLightSalmon Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set background color to X11/CSS color lightSalmon         (0xFFA07A)/rgb(255, 160, 122)
no setter
onLightSeaGreen Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set background color to X11/CSS color lightSeaGreen         (0x20B2AA)/rgb(32, 178, 170)
no setter
onLightSkyBlue Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set background color to X11/CSS color lightSkyBlue         (0x87CEFA)/rgb(135, 206, 250)
no setter
onLightSlateGray Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set background color to X11/CSS color lightSlateGray         (0x778899)/rgb(119, 136, 153)
no setter
onLightSlateGrey Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set background color to X11/CSS color lightSlateGrey         (0x778899)/rgb(119, 136, 153)
no setter
onLightSteelBlue Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set background color to X11/CSS color lightSteelBlue         (0xB0C4DE)/rgb(176, 196, 222)
no setter
onLightYellow Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set background color to X11/CSS color lightYellow         (0xFFFFE0)/rgb(255, 255, 224)
no setter
onLime Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set background color to X11/CSS color lime         (0x00FF00)/rgb(0, 255, 0)
no setter
onLimeGreen Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set background color to X11/CSS color limeGreen         (0x32CD32)/rgb(50, 205, 50)
no setter
onLinen Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set background color to X11/CSS color linen         (0xFAF0E6)/rgb(250, 240, 230)
no setter
onMagenta Chalk
Set background base 16 xterm colors magenta (terminal dependent) linen
no setter
onMagentaX11 Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set background color to X11/CSS color magentaX11         (0xFF00FF)/rgb(255, 0, 255)
no setter
onMaroon Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set background color to X11/CSS color maroon         (0x800000)/rgb(128, 0, 0)
no setter
onMediumAquamarine Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set background color to X11/CSS color mediumAquamarine         (0x66CDAA)/rgb(102, 205, 170)
no setter
onMediumBlue Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set background color to X11/CSS color mediumBlue         (0x0000CD)/rgb(0, 0, 205)
no setter
onMediumOrchid Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set background color to X11/CSS color mediumOrchid         (0xBA55D3)/rgb(186, 85, 211)
no setter
onMediumPurple Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set background color to X11/CSS color mediumPurple         (0x9370DB)/rgb(147, 112, 219)
no setter
onMediumSeaGreen Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set background color to X11/CSS color mediumSeaGreen         (0x3CB371)/rgb(60, 179, 113)
no setter
onMediumSlateBlue Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set background color to X11/CSS color mediumSlateBlue         (0x7B68EE)/rgb(123, 104, 238)
no setter
onMediumSpringGreen Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set background color to X11/CSS color mediumSpringGreen         (0x00FA9A)/rgb(0, 250, 154)
no setter
onMediumTurquoise Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set background color to X11/CSS color mediumTurquoise         (0x48D1CC)/rgb(72, 209, 204)
no setter
onMediumVioletRed Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set background color to X11/CSS color mediumVioletRed         (0xC71585)/rgb(199, 21, 133)
no setter
onMidnightBlue Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set background color to X11/CSS color midnightBlue         (0x191970)/rgb(25, 25, 112)
no setter
onMintCream Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set background color to X11/CSS color mintCream         (0xF5FFFA)/rgb(245, 255, 250)
no setter
onMistyRose Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set background color to X11/CSS color mistyRose         (0xFFE4E1)/rgb(255, 228, 225)
no setter
onMoccasin Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set background color to X11/CSS color moccasin         (0xFFE4B5)/rgb(255, 228, 181)
no setter
onNavajoWhite Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set background color to X11/CSS color navajoWhite         (0xFFDEAD)/rgb(255, 222, 173)
no setter
onNavy Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set background color to X11/CSS color navy         (0x000080)/rgb(0, 0, 128)
no setter
onOldLace Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set background color to X11/CSS color oldLace         (0xFDF5E6)/rgb(253, 245, 230)
no setter
onOlive Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set background color to X11/CSS color olive         (0x808000)/rgb(128, 128, 0)
no setter
onOliveDrab Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set background color to X11/CSS color oliveDrab         (0x6B8E23)/rgb(107, 142, 35)
no setter
onOrange Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set background color to X11/CSS color orange         (0xFFA500)/rgb(255, 165, 0)
no setter
onOrangeRed Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set background color to X11/CSS color orangeRed         (0xFF4500)/rgb(255, 69, 0)
no setter
onOrchid Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set background color to X11/CSS color orchid         (0xDA70D6)/rgb(218, 112, 214)
no setter
onPaleGoldenrod Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set background color to X11/CSS color paleGoldenrod         (0xEEE8AA)/rgb(238, 232, 170)
no setter
onPaleGreen Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set background color to X11/CSS color paleGreen         (0x98FB98)/rgb(152, 251, 152)
no setter
onPaleTurquoise Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set background color to X11/CSS color paleTurquoise         (0xAFEEEE)/rgb(175, 238, 238)
no setter
onPaleVioletRed Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set background color to X11/CSS color paleVioletRed         (0xDB7093)/rgb(219, 112, 147)
no setter
onPapayaWhip Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set background color to X11/CSS color papayaWhip         (0xFFEFD5)/rgb(255, 239, 213)
no setter
onPeachPuff Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set background color to X11/CSS color peachPuff         (0xFFDAB9)/rgb(255, 218, 185)
no setter
onPeru Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set background color to X11/CSS color peru         (0xCD853F)/rgb(205, 133, 63)
no setter
onPink Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set background color to X11/CSS color pink         (0xFFC0CB)/rgb(255, 192, 203)
no setter
onPlum Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set background color to X11/CSS color plum         (0xDDA0DD)/rgb(221, 160, 221)
no setter
onPowderBlue Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set background color to X11/CSS color powderBlue         (0xB0E0E6)/rgb(176, 224, 230)
no setter
onPurple Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set background color to X11/CSS color purple         (0x800080)/rgb(128, 0, 128)
no setter
onRebeccaPurple Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set background color to X11 color rebeccaPurple         (0x663399)/rgb(102, 51, 153)
no setter
onRed Chalk
Set background base 16 xterm colors red (terminal dependent) linen
no setter
onRedX11 Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set background color to X11/CSS color redX11         (0xFF0000)/rgb(255, 0, 0)
no setter
onRosyBrown Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set background color to X11/CSS color rosyBrown         (0xBC8F8F)/rgb(188, 143, 143)
no setter
onRoyalBlue Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set background color to X11/CSS color royalBlue         (0x4169E1)/rgb(65, 105, 225)
no setter
onSaddleBrown Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set background color to X11/CSS color saddleBrown         (0x8B4513)/rgb(139, 69, 19)
no setter
onSalmon Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set background color to X11/CSS color salmon         (0xFA8072)/rgb(250, 128, 114)
no setter
onSandyBrown Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set background color to X11/CSS color sandyBrown         (0xF4A460)/rgb(244, 164, 96)
no setter
onSeaGreen Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set background color to X11/CSS color seaGreen         (0x2E8B57)/rgb(46, 139, 87)
no setter
onSeashell Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set background color to X11/CSS color seashell         (0xFFF5EE)/rgb(255, 245, 238)
no setter
onSienna Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set background color to X11/CSS color sienna         (0xA0522D)/rgb(160, 82, 45)
no setter
onSilver Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set background color to X11/CSS color silver         (0xC0C0C0)/rgb(192, 192, 192)
no setter
onSkyBlue Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set background color to X11/CSS color skyBlue         (0x87CEEB)/rgb(135, 206, 235)
no setter
onSlateBlue Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set background color to X11/CSS color slateBlue         (0x6A5ACD)/rgb(106, 90, 205)
no setter
onSlateGray Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set background color to X11/CSS color slateGray         (0x708090)/rgb(112, 128, 144)
no setter
onSlateGrey Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set background color to X11/CSS color slateGrey         (0x708090)/rgb(112, 128, 144)
no setter
onSnow Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set background color to X11/CSS color snow         (0xFFFAFA)/rgb(255, 250, 250)
no setter
onSpringGreen Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set background color to X11/CSS color springGreen         (0x00FF7F)/rgb(0, 255, 127)
no setter
onSteelBlue Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set background color to X11/CSS color steelBlue         (0x4682B4)/rgb(70, 130, 180)
no setter
onTan Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set background color to X11/CSS color tan         (0xD2B48C)/rgb(210, 180, 140)
no setter
onTeal Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set background color to X11/CSS color teal         (0x008080)/rgb(0, 128, 128)
no setter
onThistle Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set background color to X11/CSS color thistle         (0xD8BFD8)/rgb(216, 191, 216)
no setter
onTomato Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set background color to X11/CSS color tomato         (0xFF6347)/rgb(255, 99, 71)
no setter
onTurquoise Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set background color to X11/CSS color turquoise         (0x40E0D0)/rgb(64, 224, 208)
no setter
onViolet Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set background color to X11/CSS color violet         (0xEE82EE)/rgb(238, 130, 238)
no setter
onWheat Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set background color to X11/CSS color wheat         (0xF5DEB3)/rgb(245, 222, 179)
no setter
onWhite Chalk
Set background base 16 xterm colors white (terminal dependent) linen
no setter
onWhiteSmoke Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set background color to X11/CSS color whiteSmoke         (0xF5F5F5)/rgb(245, 245, 245)
no setter
onWhiteX11 Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set background color to X11/CSS color whiteX11         (0xFFFFFF)/rgb(255, 255, 255)
no setter
onYellow Chalk
Set background base 16 xterm colors yellow (terminal dependent) linen
no setter
onYellowGreen Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set background color to X11/CSS color yellowGreen         (0x9ACD32)/rgb(154, 205, 50)
no setter
onYellowX11 Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set background color to X11/CSS color yellowX11         (0xFFFF00)/rgb(255, 255, 0)
no setter
orange Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color orange         (0xFFA500)/rgb(255, 165, 0)
no setter
orangeRed Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color orangeRed         (0xFF4500)/rgb(255, 69, 0)
no setter
orchid Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color orchid         (0xDA70D6)/rgb(218, 112, 214)
no setter
overline Chalk
overline - Make text overlined. (Not as widely supported, supported in VSCode through my PR)
no setter
overlined Chalk
overlined (alternate name for overline) - Make text overlined. (Not as widely supported, supported in VSCode through my PR)
no setter
paleGoldenrod Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color paleGoldenrod         (0xEEE8AA)/rgb(238, 232, 170)
no setter
paleGreen Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color paleGreen         (0x98FB98)/rgb(152, 251, 152)
no setter
paleTurquoise Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color paleTurquoise         (0xAFEEEE)/rgb(175, 238, 238)
no setter
paleVioletRed Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color paleVioletRed         (0xDB7093)/rgb(219, 112, 147)
no setter
papayaWhip Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color papayaWhip         (0xFFEFD5)/rgb(255, 239, 213)
no setter
peachPuff Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color peachPuff         (0xFFDAB9)/rgb(255, 218, 185)
no setter
peru Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color peru         (0xCD853F)/rgb(205, 133, 63)
no setter
pink Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color pink         (0xFFC0CB)/rgb(255, 192, 203)
no setter
plum Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color plum         (0xDDA0DD)/rgb(221, 160, 221)
no setter
powderBlue Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color powderBlue         (0xB0E0E6)/rgb(176, 224, 230)
no setter
purple Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color purple         (0x800080)/rgb(128, 0, 128)
no setter
rapidblink - Make text blink rapidly (>150 times per minute). (Not as widely supported, supported in VSCode through my PR)
no setter
rebeccaPurple Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set foreground color to X11 color rebeccaPurple         (0x663399)/rgb(102, 51, 153)
no setter
red Chalk
Set foreground base 16 xterm colors red (terminal dependent) linen
no setter
redBright Chalk
Set foreground base 16 xterm colors bright red (terminal dependent) linen
no setter
redX11 Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color redX11         (0xFF0000)/rgb(255, 0, 0)
no setter
reset Chalk
reset - Resets the current color chain.
no setter
rosyBrown Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color rosyBrown         (0xBC8F8F)/rgb(188, 143, 143)
no setter
royalBlue Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color royalBlue         (0x4169E1)/rgb(65, 105, 225)
no setter
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
saddleBrown Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color saddleBrown         (0x8B4513)/rgb(139, 69, 19)
no setter
salmon Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color salmon         (0xFA8072)/rgb(250, 128, 114)
no setter
sandyBrown Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color sandyBrown         (0xF4A460)/rgb(244, 164, 96)
no setter
seaGreen Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color seaGreen         (0x2E8B57)/rgb(46, 139, 87)
no setter
seashell Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color seashell         (0xFFF5EE)/rgb(255, 245, 238)
no setter
sienna Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color sienna         (0xA0522D)/rgb(160, 82, 45)
no setter
silver Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color silver         (0xC0C0C0)/rgb(192, 192, 192)
no setter
skyBlue Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color skyBlue         (0x87CEEB)/rgb(135, 206, 235)
no setter
slateBlue Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color slateBlue         (0x6A5ACD)/rgb(106, 90, 205)
no setter
slateGray Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color slateGray         (0x708090)/rgb(112, 128, 144)
no setter
slateGrey Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color slateGrey         (0x708090)/rgb(112, 128, 144)
no setter
snow Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color snow         (0xFFFAFA)/rgb(255, 250, 250)
no setter
springGreen Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color springGreen         (0x00FF7F)/rgb(0, 255, 127)
no setter
steelBlue Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color steelBlue         (0x4682B4)/rgb(70, 130, 180)
no setter
strikethrough Chalk
strikethrough - Puts a horizontal line through the center of the text. (Not as widely supported, supported in VSCode through my PR)
no setter
subscript Chalk
subscript - Subscript text. (Not as widely supported, supported in VSCode through my PR)
no setter
superscript Chalk
superscript - Superscript text. (Not as widely supported, supported in VSCode through my PR)
no setter
tan Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color tan         (0xD2B48C)/rgb(210, 180, 140)
no setter
teal Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color teal         (0x008080)/rgb(0, 128, 128)
no setter
thistle Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color thistle         (0xD8BFD8)/rgb(216, 191, 216)
no setter
tomato Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color tomato         (0xFF6347)/rgb(255, 99, 71)
no setter
turquoise Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color turquoise         (0x40E0D0)/rgb(64, 224, 208)
no setter
underline Chalk
underline - Make text underline. (Not as widely supported, supported in VSCode through my PR)
no setter
underlined Chalk
underlined (alternate name for underline) - Make text underline. (Not as widely supported, supported in VSCode through my PR)
no setter
violet Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color violet         (0xEE82EE)/rgb(238, 130, 238)
no setter
visible Chalk
visible - Prints the text only when Chalk has a color level > 0. Can be useful for things that are purely cosmetic.
no setter
wheat Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color wheat         (0xF5DEB3)/rgb(245, 222, 179)
no setter
white Chalk
Set foreground base 16 xterm colors white (terminal dependent) linen
no setter
whiteBright Chalk
Set foreground base 16 xterm colors bright white (terminal dependent) linen
no setter
whiteSmoke Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color whiteSmoke         (0xF5F5F5)/rgb(245, 245, 245)
no setter
whiteX11 Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color whiteX11         (0xFFFFFF)/rgb(255, 255, 255)
no setter
x11 → dynamic
Follow this method with any standard CSS/SVG/X11 color name (remove spaces from name) The case/capitalizatiom of the color name is not important. alias for color - alternate method name to use for to get dynamic for virtual color methods ie. chalk.x11.cornflowerblue('works like this') (this is the equivalent of chalk.keyword('cornflowerblue')('same things using keyword()')
no setter
yellow Chalk
Set foreground base 16 xterm colors yellow (terminal dependent)linen
no setter
yellowBright Chalk
Set foreground base 16 xterm colors bright yellow (terminal dependent) linen
no setter
yellowGreen Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color yellowGreen         (0x9ACD32)/rgb(154, 205, 50)
no setter
yellowX11 Chalk

Available on Chalk, provided by the ChalkX11 extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color yellowX11         (0xFFFF00)/rgb(255, 255, 0)
no setter


ansi(int ansicode) Chalk
Creates chalk with the foreground color specified by the ansi color escape code.
ansi256(int ansicode256) Chalk
ansiSgr(dynamic openCode, dynamic closeCode) Chalk
bgAnsi(int ansicode) Chalk
Alternate name for onAnsi() (provided for legacy compatibility with JS Chalk)
bgAnsi256(int ansicode256) Chalk
Alternate name for onAnsi256() (provided for legacy compatibility with JS Chalk)
bgGreyscale(num greyscale) Chalk
Alternate name for onGreyscale() (provided for legacy compatibility with JS Chalk)
bgHex(dynamic hex) Chalk
Alternate name for onHex() (provided for legacy compatibility with JS Chalk).
bgHsl(num hue, num saturation, num lightness) Chalk
Alternate name for onHsl() (provided for legacy compatibility with JS Chalk)
bgHsv(num hue, num saturation, num value) Chalk
Alternate name for onHsv() (provided for legacy compatibility with JS Chalk)
bgHwb(num hue, num whiteness, num blackness) Chalk
Alternate name for onHwb() (provided for legacy compatibility with JS Chalk)
bgKeyword(String keyword) Chalk
Alternate name for onKeyword() (provided for legacy compatibility with JS Chalk).
bgLab(num l, num a, num b) Chalk
Alternate name for onLab() (provided for legacy compatibility with JS Chalk)
bgRgb(num red, num green, num blue) Chalk
Alternate name for onRgb() (provided for legacy compatibility with JS Chalk).
bgRgb16m(num red, num green, num blue) Chalk
Alternate name for onRgb16m() (provided for legacy compatibility with JS Chalk).
bgXyz(num x, num y, num z) Chalk
Alternate name for onXyz() (provided for legacy compatibility with JS Chalk)
call(dynamic arg0, [dynamic arg1, dynamic arg2, dynamic arg3, dynamic arg4, dynamic arg5, dynamic arg6, dynamic arg7, dynamic arg8, dynamic arg9, dynamic arg10, dynamic arg11, dynamic arg12, dynamic arg13, dynamic arg14, dynamic arg15]) String
Handles the generic Chalk(....) calls with up to 15 arguements that can be a mixtured of pretty much anything. List<> and Function closures are handled
greyscale(num greyscale) Chalk
hex(dynamic hex) Chalk
Returns a Chalk with the foreground color set to the passed in RGB Hex code. This dynamically accepts color hex codes as integer codes (0xAABBCC) or (0xABC) or as strings ('#AABBCC') or ('#ABC')
hsl(num hue, num saturation, num lightness) Chalk
Creates chalk with foreground color defined from HSL (Hue, Saturation and Lightness) color space parameters.
hsv(num hue, num saturation, num value) Chalk
Creates chalk with foreground color defined from HSV (Hue, Saturation and Value) color space parameters.
hwb(num hue, num whiteness, num blackness) Chalk
Creates chalk with foreground color defined from HWB (Hue, Whiteness and Blackness) color space parameters.
joinWith(String joinWith) Chalk
Specify string to use for joining multiple arguments or Lists. Default is ' ' (single space).
keyword(String colorKeyword) Chalk
Returns a Chalk with the foreground color set to the color represented by the passed in color keyword. This accepts all of the standard X11/CSS/SVG color names, and the user can extend the list of accepted color keywords using the addColorKeywordRgb() and addColorKeywordHex() methods
lab(num l, num a, num b) Chalk
Creates chalk with foreground color defined from lab color space parameters.
makeRGBChalk(num nred, num ngreen, num nblue, {bool bg = false, bool force16M = false}) Chalk
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
This noSuchMethod() handler is called for all unknown methods called on our Chalk object. Thisd allows using user defined colors and x11 colors as 'pseudo' methods. dynamic chalk2 = Chalk(); print('Yay for red on yellow colored text!')); print(chalk.csscolor.lightskyblue('Yay for lightskyblue colored text!')); Background: Good stuff.
onAnsi(int ansicode) Chalk
Creates chalk with the background color specified by the ansi color escape code.
onAnsi256(int ansicode256) Chalk
onGreyscale(num greyscale) Chalk
onHex(dynamic hex) Chalk
Returns a Chalk with the background color set to the passed in RGB Hex code. This dynamically accepts color hex codes as integer codes (0xAABBCC) or (0xABC) or as strings ('#AABBCC') or ('#ABC')
onHsl(num hue, num saturation, num lightness) Chalk
Creates chalk with background color defined from HSL (Hue, Saturation and Lightness) color space parameters.
onHsv(num hue, num saturation, num value) Chalk
Creates chalk with background color defined from HSV (Hue, Saturation and Value) color space parameters.
onHwb(num hue, num whiteness, num blackness) Chalk
Creates chalk with background color defined from HWB (Hue, Whiteness and Blackness) color space parameters.
onKeyword(String colorKeyword) Chalk
Returns a Chalk with the background color set to the color represented by the passed in color keyword. This accepts all of the standard X11/CSS/SVG color names, and the user can extend the list of accepted color keywords using the addColorKeywordRgb() and addColorKeywordHex() methods
onLab(num l, num a, num b) Chalk
Creates chalk with background color defined from lab color space parameters.
onRgb(num red, num green, num blue) Chalk
Create Chalk with a background color with the specified RGB values.
onRgb16m(num red, num green, num blue) Chalk
Create Chalk with a background color with the specified RGB values (forces using ANSI 16m SGR codes, even if level is not 3).
onXyz(num x, num y, num z) Chalk
Creates chalk with background color defined from XYZ color space parameters.
rgb(num red, num green, num blue) Chalk
Create Chalk with a foreground color with the specified RGB values.
rgb16m(num red, num green, num blue) Chalk
Create Chalk with a foreground color with the specified RGB values (forces using ANSI 16m SGR codes, even if level is not 3).
strip(String target) String
Strip all ANSI SGR commands from the target string and return the 'stripped' result string.
toString() String
most useful for debugging to dump the guts
toStringWalkUp({int level = 0}) String
more detailed dump of the guts, following parent links and dumping
underlineRgb(num red, num green, num blue) Chalk
Create Chalk with an underline of the the specified RGB color WARNING: on some consoles without support for this, such as Android Studio, using this will prevent ALL styles of the Chalk from appearing
underlineRgb16m(num red, num green, num blue) Chalk
Create Chalk with an underline of the the specified RGB color (forces using ANSI 16m SGR codes, even if level is not 3) WARNING: on some consoles without support for this, such as Android Studio, using this will prevent ALL styles of the Chalk from appearing
wrap(String prefix, String suffix) Chalk
Wrap this chalk with specified prefix and suffix strings.
xyz(num x, num y, num z) Chalk
Creates chalk with foreground color defined from XYZ color space parameters.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.

Static Properties

ansiColorLevelForNewInstances int
ANSI Color level support for terminal - default to 3 (full color) because IntelliJ/AndroidStudio and VSCode report NOT having full color support despite supporting level 3. This is really only here for flexibility.
getter/setter pair
noZeroToOneScaling bool
Set to true to prevent scaling of rgb values when all 3 fall between 0<=r,g,b<=1.0
getter/setter pair
useFullResetToClose bool
Use full resets to close attributes (reset all attributes with SGR 0) ON EACH call to Chalk() (Not usually desired, this will reset all attributes, but some terminals, like VSCode, need this because buggy implementations) (Update: I have fixed and extended the VSCode support for ANSI control sequences to be complete and bug free. All features of Chalk'Dart are now completely supported. This is now all available in production version of VSCode - timmaffett)
getter/setter pair

Static Methods

addColorKeywordHex(String colorname, dynamic hex) → void
Add Hex color (string or int) to the colorKeywords[] map that is used for dynamic lookup of colors by name. Colors added thid way can be used directly follwing the Chalk color/csscolor/x11 methods. ie. Chalk.addColorKeywordHex('myfavorite', 0x6495ED ); // using hex int chalk.color.myfavorite('This is my favorite color'); Chalk.addColorKeywordHex('my2ndFavorite', '#6A5ACD' ); // or using string chalk.color.my2ndfavorite('This is my 2nd favorite color');
addColorKeywordRgb(String colorname, int red, int green, int blue) → void
Add RGB color to the colorKeywords[] map that is used for dynamic lookup of colors by name. Colors added thid way can be used directly following the Chalk color/csscolor/x11 methods. ie. Chalk.addColorKeywordRgb('myfavorite', 0x64, 0x95, 0xED ); chalk.color.myfavorite('This is my favorite color');
instance({int level = -1}) Chalk
Use to create a new 'root' instance of Chalk, with the option of setting the ANSI color level (root instances start with no style).
Instance({int level = -1}) Chalk


ansiBackgroundOffset → const int
This offset can be added to the basic 0-15 ansi color numbers to get background versions of those colors.
ansiUnderlineOffset → const int
This offset can be added to the basic 0-15 ansi color numbers to get underline versions of those colors.