noSuchMethod method
- Invocation invocation
This noSuchMethod() handler is called for all unknown methods called on our Chalk object. Thisd allows using user defined colors and x11 colors as 'pseudo' methods. dynamic chalk2 = Chalk(); print('Yay for red on yellow colored text!')); print(chalk.csscolor.lightskyblue('Yay for lightskyblue colored text!')); Background: Good stuff.
dynamic noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) {
// memberName will toString() like 'Symbol("orange")', so just get the name
// out of it
String methodName = invocation.memberName.toString();
methodName = methodName
.substring('Symbol("'.length, methodName.length - 2)
bool backgroundColor = false;
if (methodName.startsWith('on') || methodName.startsWith('bg')) {
backgroundColor = true;
methodName = methodName.substring(2);
var rgb = ColorUtils.rgbFromKeyword(methodName);
Chalk thisColor = makeRGBChalk(rgb[0], rgb[1], rgb[2], bg: backgroundColor);
if (invocation.positionalArguments.isNotEmpty) {
// Send all the args in and chalk them up like a other normal methods
// would with call().
} else {
// Just return the chalk we just made.
return thisColor;