ColorUtils class

This ColorUtils library contains the color space conversion methods used by the Chalk class to support alternate colors spaces from RGB. An attempt is made to be as versatile in input parameters as possible, many routines accept floating point numbers from 0.0-1.0 (for percentages) or alternately integers from 0-255. References with detailed explanations of the various color models included here Complete history of the X11 color names : and CSS color names (derived from X11 color names): Many of these routines are based on work by Heather Arthur and javascript code that I have ported to dart from:




hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.

Static Properties

colorKeywords Map<String, int>
A map of X11/CSS color keywords and their 6-digit hexadecimal RGB values x11 colors appear again here: complete history of the X11 color names : and CSS color names (derived from X11 color names): (these are the same as the css color list (except for X11 has 'rebeccapurple' and css colors used 'lightGoldenrodYellow' and X11 uses 'lightGoldenrod'))

Static Methods

addColorKeywordHex(String colorname, dynamic hex) → void
Add hex color (string or int) to the colorKeywords[] map that is used for dynamic lookup of colors by name.
addColorKeywordRgb(String colorname, int red, int green, int blue) → void
Add RGB color to the colorKeywords[] map that is used for dynamic lookup of colors by name.
cmyk2rgb(num cyan, num magenta, num yellow, num keyBlack) List<int>
colorFromKeyword(String keyword) int
Lookup colorname keyword in colorKeywords map and return BLACK if the color is not found. Returns color as RGB int.
hex2rgb(dynamic arg) List<num>
hsl2rgb(num hue, num saturation, num lightness) List<int>
hslTorgb(num hue, num sat, num light) List<int>
hslToRgb1Scale(num hue, num sat, num light) List<double>
hsv2rgb(num hue, num saturation, num valueBrightness) List<int>
hwb2rgb(num h, num whiteness, num blackness) List<int>
hwb2rgb algorithm from
hwbTorgb(num hue, num white, num black) List<int>
lab2xyz(num l, num a, num b) List<num>
rgb2hsl(List<num> rgb) List<int>
rgbFromKeyword(String keyword) List<num>
Lookup colorname keyword in colorKeywords map and return BLACK if the color is not found. Returns color as a num array of [red,green,blue].
rgbToAnsi256(int red, int green, int blue) int
xyz2rgb(num x, num y, num z) List<int>