chalkdart library


Chalk - A Library for printing styled text to the console using ANSI control sequences. Documentation of the ANSI code system: . References with detailed explainations of the various color models included here: and The complete history of the X11 color names (later used in css/svg also) .


ChalkX11 on Chalk
This extension class adds proper methods to Chalk for all of the standard X11/CSS/SVG color names for use by Chalk. This extension has the added advantage of providing code completion and type checking at coding/compile time. Using the dynamic color method cannot provide any coding/compile time checks because it works via a dynamic lookup at run time. Example of using this extension for Chalk: chalk.lightGoldenrodYellow.onCornflowerBlue(...) versus having to use the color (or css or x11) method to get a dynamic so you can use the dynamic lookups: chalk.color.lightGoldenrodYellow.onCornflowerBlue(...) Because of the dynamic lookup is not resolved until run time that method can be prone to errors which would not be detected until run time.


ansiColorDisabled bool
Read only. Chalk does not look at it's value.
chalk Chalk
Default global instance of chalk used for base call. This can be set to a specific Chalk instance that would then serve as basis for all calls.
getter/setter pair
chalkUsedAnsiInclude String
Read only, informational only. Name of the ansi include file used supports_ansi.dart is the default, or the version supports_ansi_io.dart or the dart.library.html version supports_ansi_web.dart.
dartSupportsAnsiColor bool
Read only. Chalk does not use it's value although in some situation a user might use this to set the Chalk ansi color level (or something) I have left it here only for completeness. Within the common debug consoles this variable is essentially worthless because they return FALSE from both VSCode debug console and IntelliJ/Android Studio debug consoles. (This is because dart just checks for 'xterm' string being present in the 'TERM' environmental variable of the console..) See and for more info.